Get 50% cashback upto ?250 on on Paypal

11/9/2019 12:00:00 AM
Get 50% cashback upto ?250 on on Paypal
No Coupon Code Required

Promotion Details

  • TnC: Pay with PayPal and get 50% cashback up to Rs. 250 on your eligible purchases. You will need to transact for a minimum value of Rs. 50 to be eligible for the offer. This does not apply to existing Paypal users and only new first time Paypal users. Offer is valid only for first time users/ first ever PayPal transaction in lifetime and can be availed once per PayPal user. Offer is valid for transactions through your PayPal India account. Cashback will be credited in user’s PayPal account, after successful transaction with PayPal.
  • No coupon code required.